Solving a messaging issue
Our team uncovered a messaging problem that the Library Foundation of Los Angeles faces constantly, and our design solution aims to fix that problem. By constantly retelling a clear and effective story of the mission, the recurring visitors will be reminded how their support will ensure the long-term success of the foundation.
The Library Foundation of Los Angeles raises funds for the LA Public Library through various events, community building, and literacy programs. However, they constantly face a messaging problem that makes them synonymous with the library.
The Library Foundation is unique in offering various ways to support its mission including a membership model, on-going donations, and through fundraising efforts. However, as it has evolved over the years, some of these efforts have also grown to offer different types of benefits, creating an overwhelming, and at times, confusing, message to entice people to support the foundation.
Our team decided to create a quick marketing video that explains the foundation's mission in under 90 seconds. The challenge was to capture the vast work into just a few phrases. We managed to explain what the foundation does, how it does it and asks people to support the foundation. We used their existing materials to retell their story in a manner that can quickly grab a user's attention and motivate them to at least scan a code for more information. Our intention for its use was as a show opener at one of their ALOUD events.