Mobile app using Barnsdall Park for mindful interventions & community-building for hospital workers.
A mobile app that focuses on the wellbeing of surrounding hospital workers by utilizing Barnsdall Art Park to provide mindful interventions accompanied by features that promote community and achievements.
Healthcare workers deal with stress daily, balancing their busy work schedules with their own personal lives. This often can lead to major exhaustion, otherwise known as burnout. Although Barnsdall Art Park offers aesthetic views and rich cultural experiences, the lack of accessibility and visibility causes the park to seem unseen. How can we highlight Barnsdall Art Park and utilize its features to combat burnout among its nearby healthcare workers?
During our research, we discovered that two-thirds of nurses throughout the nation experienced burnout. East Hollywood itself has approximately 14,000 healthcare providers. Surrounding hospitals do not offer garden spaces. However, Barnsdall Art Park is located within half-mile distance and equates to less that eleven minute walk to these hospitals. An article in the National Library of Medicine stated that interventions focusing on "mindfulness, stress management and small group discussions" can help reduce burnout. In addition to it space, Barnsdall Art Park hosts a variety of cultural amenities, including an art museum and social wine tasting events. Enhanced access to Barnsdall Art Park could build stronger connection with these hospitals and improve workplace morale.
BeWell is an interactive mobile app that uses stress management tactics to reduce burnout. Currently aimed at healthcare providers, BeWell encourages users to utilize the app’s features at Barnsdall Art Park, where users can remove themselves from their work environment. The digital app will also enable users to engage in social networking to develop stronger sense of community within the park and its neighborhoods.