A publicly accessible, interactive kiosk that allows users to access bus information with a touchles
Wayve is a publicly accessible, interactive kiosk with stop-specific bus information that keeps older bus passengers informed and safe during COVID-19. Bus passengers can see bus information and access assistance to travel safely.
The Promenade is a pedestrian mall and transportation hub where the Metro Rail and the Big Blue Bus system meet. Due to COVID-19, there is a communication gap between elderly passengers and the bus. They have difficulty communicating with bus drivers and accessing information.
Older Santa Monica residents (55+) are frequent bus riders, but the inconsistent enforcement of COVID-19 mandates adds anxiety and uncertainty to their trips. COVID regulations make it hard for passengers to communicate with drivers. As a result, they rely on posted signs for navigation instead of smartphones.
The Wayve travel information kiosk displays a map of stop-specific bus information, so older passengers at the stop can easily see approaching buses, arrival status, and crowd information. Wayve also allows passengers to request disability access to a bus and speak to remote representatives. Passengers interact with Wayve through a gesture-controlled interface that avoids touch-based systems. Wayve eases the communication gaps caused by COVID mandates by allowing older riders to access the information they need with a touchless interface
Customers can show gratitude during a seamless restaurant checkout.
GratiTab is an improved checkout experience that eases bill splitting and encourages appreciation and kindness between servers and local patrons.
Customers care most about value, safety, and the experience but service delays because of supply chain and staffing issues negatively impact their visit, lead to customer neglect and elongate the checkout process.
Customers appreciate restaurant transparency about safety, the service, and the transaction. Restaurant customers are receptive to paying it forward and willing to accept a gift from a stranger. People like the feeling of doing something nice for others, and that would encourage them to pay it forward.
GratiTab creates a frictionless checkout transaction, eases bill splitting, and makes room for staff appreciation and connection. Customers have transparency about who they are tipping and can make staff feel appreciated with an individual tip and the ability to send them a thank you note for their service. Customers can also pay it forward to other customers in the restaurant.
Interactive signs and decals that invite play at Grand Park L.A.
Interactive signs and decals inspired by the diverse cultures of Los Angeles encourage and facilitate play and exploration around the tables, walkways, and grassy areas of Grand Park.
Grand Park wants to increase its repeat visitors, engage advocates, and connect as the park for everyone. How can we enhance the guest experience to encourage visitors to co-create the story of Grand Park so that they can have a slice of the park wherever they go?
LA locals are drawn to the opportunities and diversity the city has to offer. Grand Park is centered in Downtown Los Angeles but visitors primarily visit for events. Locals are looking for interesting experiences, "hidden gems", but don’t often have the time or energy to find them.
Inspired by the diverse cultures of Los Angeles, we propose facilitating moments of play and exploration around the tables, walkways, and grassy areas of Grand Park. The signs are bilingual in English and Spanish. They encourage the user to learn about diverse cultures with QR codes.